Thursday, 13 November 2014

Retirement Lifestyle ... this week

Retirement is proving to be so much fun! I particularly treasure the opportunities I am afforded to develop and explore my creativity - and learning photography has been one of those opportunities.

Imagine then, my excitement - and equal measure of terror - at being nominated to participate in a five day Black and White Photography challenge on Facebook. My blogger friend, Liz, at Bizzy Lizzy's Good Things (a wonderful blog you really must visit) extended the challenge.

On the first day I resorted to rushing outside to photograph something - anything - that would look reasonably interesting in black and white! The photograph I posted received one Like and no comments! Not an auspicious start!

Having never dabbled in this area of photography, as I embraced the challenge, I was quickly struck by how different the world looks in black and white. I have now a huge appreciation, and am in awe of, the skills and artistic 'eye' displayed by those photographers who excel in this area!

So, this week - in my retirement - I learnt that embracing a challenge, throwing caution to the wind and 'having a go' are extremely energising and liberating.

I am less hung up these days about what other people think - so here are my first black and white photos for your appraisal! They are far from perfect - but I had fun!

My Black and White Photography Challenge Gallery


My Day 1 post, these rocks in blacks and greys form the 'beach' of our garden pond.


Street art, Torquay, Victoria


These structures along the M80 Ring Road, Melbourne fascinate me - one day they are praying mantis, another two girls jiving ...  What do you see?

'Big Rig' 

The Longhorn Express photographed at the Tamworth Country Music Festival. Now that's a truck!


Bushfire smoke made visibility poor travelling this day through northern New South Wales.

'Evening Storm' 

Port Macquarie


Street number photographed in rural Victoria.


How my skin feels without moisturiser these days!

'Ripples in the Sand' 

Long Beach, Coffin Bay South Australia.

'Scorched Earth 1'

Burnt bushland in the Coffin Bay National Park

'Scorched Earth 2'

Vertical view of the shot above.

'Black Magic'

A stunning viola in my garden.

'Can I Tempt You?'

Straight from the oven - a fresh scone for morning tea!

'Just a Small Serve'

Lemon Meringue Pie - yum! I must put this up on Apricot Tart soon!

'Time to Eat'

Eating outside again! I love summer!

Finally .....

'It's Five O'clock Somewhere'

Wine on the deck at Coffin Bay!

What an interesting and enjoyable experience the challenge has been! Thanks so much, Liz, for the nomination - you have sent me off on an adventure I might otherwise not have taken!

Do you have a favourite amongst these photos? I'd love to hear from you - be brave and let me know in the comments box!




  1. Replies
    1. You are too kind, Liz! I'm very much a beginner learner. I have found the shades of grey, light and dark in Black and White photography quite fascinating! Thanks so much for the nomination!

  2. I love the rippled sand on the beach at Coffin Bay and the glass of wine at sunset on the deck (for obvious reasons!) Great photos. I would love to do a photography course one of these days.

  3. Kathy, I love the ripples on the sand too! In colour this photograph is nice - but in black and white it takes on a whole other life! I really am a learner photographer so I would be happy to share that photography course with you! Cheers!
