Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Week 3 - The Living Well in Retirement Weekly Challenge

The Week 3 Challenge

Following last week's challenge I trust you went to your GP - right! And s/he reminded you that you need to lose a kilo or two - or maybe twenty two! This week our focus is on weight loss - because those extra kilos are dragging us down - just when we want to spreading our wings and having fun in our retirement!

The impact of overweight and obesity is well documented - but when we are busy with work and life pressures, eating poorly, supersizing portions, adding liquid calories in the form of soft drink and alcohol and exercising little - the weight gain sneaks insidiously up on us - and then smacks us in the face with a whole raft of nasty health issues.

Did you know that dinner plate size has a direct impact on how much we eat? Using a smaller dinner plate than you currently use will make it super easy to downsize portion sizes - reducing your calorie intake and starting you on your weight loss journey.

I've illustrated the difference in plate sizes below. The larger plate is the current 'supersize me' plate that is now considered 'normal' in crockery sets. The smaller plate is the size used prior to the trend for larger plates - and is the size we used growing up. You will find these plates in your Mum's prized collection of crockery!

So, your challenge this week is to beg, borrow or purchase a small dinner plate - maximum size 23cms/9 inches in diameter. Simply use this plate for all your meals - and watch the effect on your waistline. 
. Read more about the effect of dinner plate size on how much you eat here - it matters!

Want more information on portion downsizing? Let me know in the comments section and I'll provide you with several more informative links.



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